onsdag 6. mai 2009

Watery Wednesday - Harry Fetts Pond

Watery Wednesday is hosted be sweet 2sweetnsaxy! Visit by clicking on the banner - and get cyber wet! Or better; participate!

This house is located not far from where I live. It is hidden behind a lot of trees, and not so visible from the road. I have seen it a lot of years - and last weekend I decided to take some photos there. So I did! A lovely and special old house, where of course prominent poeople used to live - with their own little pond!





35 kommentarer:

Bim sa...

This is a very sweet house - the bridge and it's reflection I find sweeter still, though. It could as well be a painting.

Pacey sa...

I love the little bridge reflecting on the pond, beautiful project for cross-stitching.

Guy D sa...

Great photos, does anyone live there now?

NikonSniper sa...

your photographs are absolutely beautiful.

Inday sa...

I always love the countryside scenery like yours. Thanks for sharing us about Norway!

Photo Cache sa...

Very charming. Although I think the second floor balcony looks like it's going to give way. I enjoyed your reflection images.

My entry is here (www.ewok1993.wordpress.com). Been having difficulties leaving comments using wordpress on blogger today. Dunno why.

Ebie sa...

This house has a character. And the last photo is calling me.

Anne sa...

Huset fikk en nesten til å se seg over skulderen etter gode gamle Festus :-) men så vakre omgivelser da, den dammen, så drømmende flott.

LuLo Designs/Blue Eyed Tango sa...

Love the character this place has! Nice reflection in the water of the bridge. Looks like a fun stroll past!

Audun sa...

Flotte bilder av et gammelt hus som sikkert har mye historie.

Petit Eyekiss sa...

Vackra foton!Många intresanta saker får man se om man inte alltid tar den stora vägen!vi väljer nästan alltid småvägar när vi bilar i Sverige.

Gunilla sa...

Vilket vackert hus. Och förr kunde de verkligen göra fina dammar och trädgårdar.
Jättefina foton

Ha en fortsatt fin dag


aspiritofsimplicity sa...

Beautiful bridge. I love the reflection.

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. sa...

Fantastic house !

Anonym sa...

I love old houses...they have so much character, and a pond is even better!

Great shots!

MedaM sa...

It is beautiful area where the house is located. I like the red brick walls of that old and beautiful house. I also like the fence of the little bridge and its reflection in the water. All the photos are beautiful as usual.

Tulip sa...

looks like an abandon house. beautiful captured of the water.

mimi sa...

awesome view of an old house and the water.

Svein sa...

Artig bygg og pent foto av bro.

Shey sa...

Would love to have a house with a pond nearby. Maybe someday.

These are fabulous series of captures. Happy eyes. :)

The Right Blue sa...

I'm glad you decided to take these pictures. That house really has a lot of character, and the pond and grounds are so attractive.

Anonym sa...

It looks like a huge house & really nice! Great photos - I especially like that bridge!

Tarolino sa...

Väldigt idyllisk omnejd med dammen och det där vackra gamla huset. Man blir ju nästan nyfiken vem som har bott där och vem bor där nu. Det måste vara ett fantastiskt ställe att srudera naturen på. Allt det som bor i dammen där vore så intressant att studera en hel dag.

DeniseinVA sa...

To live in such a house would be fantastic. To take photos of it equally so. They are wonderful. Thank you.

RA sa...

What a beautiful place to live in! Wonderful shots as always :). Have a great day.

EG CameraGirl sa...

That's a magical place to visit! How nice it's not too far from where you live. I hope you return to get more photos at another time of year as well.

Anonym sa...

I'm so glad you took these photos. Thanks for showing us. This is a wonderful old building.

Jim sa...

I love the architecture and the scenery.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Dagrun sa...

SÅ flott det var der. Nydelig bro!

Rune Eide sa...

Her var det mye bra arbeid! Jeg likte spesielt den broen. Yndet fred og ro.

Russ sa...

Beautiful building!

Gemma Wiseman sa...

An amazing rambling old house! Buti really love the little arched bridge over the pond! Beautiful!

Mojo sa...

Yeah, I could live there. What'd they say about you prowling around with a camera? Or did anybody notice?

Anne-Sophie sa...

Harry Fetts Pond? Det har jeg aldri hørt om. Men vet hvor Harry Fetts vei er. Er det i nærheten?
Flotte bilder fra deg, som alltid. Og du snakker om å lære noe nytt om byen.. ler! Jeg lærer og ser stadig nye ting her inne hos deg.


Anne-Sophie: Ja - Harry Fetts vei er oppkalt etter mannen som bygde dette huset. Fikk komme inn der den dagen, så jeg legger ut noen bilder av det etterhvert. Ikke de beste bildene, de ble tatt litt i hui og hast - men de kommer!