tirsdag 5. mai 2009

My World; Holmenkollen Skijump! Part 2

My World is hosted by Klaus | Sandy | Ivar | Wren | Fishing Guy | Louise - and is a meme showing the world! Click on the banner to visit - or better - participate!


There is a saying that Norwegians are borned with their ski on....Mine are to little to use no, so they are stored away. Obove you can see some of our arncestors using ski for communication and fun. Well - couldnt.t have been all fun, using ski from one place to antoher - over the hills, down the vallyes!

Today we use car, subway - and airplane - like anyone else!

This is the first Holmenkollen Skijump. I believe the first winning jump was 21.5 meter!


And the following shots shows the development on the skijump from 1860 - until 2008, when the last one was demolished to build a new one.




This is how the Holmenkollen looks like today! The skijump is expected to be ready to the Trial World Championship in 2010. They better hurry!


It is a good thing this Troll is watching it all....!


And this is how it will look when it is done!


If you are interested in how the skijump itself has developed, visit this post on my blog!

All the picture of the skifump modells are taken at the Information Center near by Holmenkollen Skijump.

22 kommentarer:

MedaM sa...

It is interesting looking at the skijump development through all those years. I like the photos of all models and I think the final result of it will be fantastic!

Mary Elizabeth sa...

Skijumping is very interesting. Keeping and knowing the history of your country is even more.
Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.
P.S. I love the first photo.
Mary Elizabeth @ Now and Then

Russ sa...

Very interesting. The final model is amazing. But, I think that I'll stick to nordic style.

Niinuska sa...

Intressant att se förändringarna genom åren! Blir nog en häftig backe när den är klar!

Rune Eide sa...

Når noen sier at Nordmenn er født med ski på beina, pleier jeg å si at jeg var alt for glad i min mor...

Men her har du gjort et skikkelig stykke arbeid!

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) sa...

Det er litt av et stykke jobb de gjør der nå, blir spennende å se det hele ferdig :) Flott post!

Jane Hards Photography sa...

So interesting and something so far removed to anything here, though we might have the odd passing troll under the bridge.

2sweetnsaxy sa...

What a great post! I like how you mixed the history with the models and the actual site. I really enjoyed this.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with Mr. Linky problems. Too bad. They had a nice little stretch without any problems.

Regina sa...

Great post. Very informative. Wow. Thanks.

Svein sa...

Lenge siden siste skihoppbakken råtnet vekk i Bergen. Men jeg har vært med og tråkket unnarennet for hoppere her borte i ungdommen...

Nå har jeg hørt at det er ca én hoppbakke for hver hopper i Norge. Heldig han eller hun som får Holmenkollen :-)

EG CameraGirl sa...

I would never have the nerve to use a ski jump! Klutzes must stay close to the ground. ;-)

SandyCarlson sa...

That is a very grand place. Those models amaze me.

aso sa...

Så flott og informativ post! Jeg synes det er litt trist at den er borte, men den kommer jo tilbake igjen. Om enn i en annen utgave.

Leora sa...

I like the pic of the people way back when skiing. One guy had no fingers on his gloves. He must have been quite cold.

I've watched people ski jump, in New Hampshire. It's an audacious sport. I have no interest in trying, though I will go over a little bump on skis occasionally.

Ebie sa...

Eh, Val, don't forget the ski lift! Wonderful photos and history.

Erin sa...

i like the look of the new skijump...with the tower and lights built into the landscape...quite nice. enjoyed the history of it as well.
have a good week.

Indrani sa...

Interesting, very interesting post. A sport I cannot see in my part of the country.

Baruch sa...

Very interesting photos from a world totally foreign to me :) Thanks for sharing

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens sa...

When I watch or better used to watch skijumping I was always scared, I wonder why they do it, scary sports. The same with the Cresta Run in St. Moritz, very scary how fast they are on their sleighs. It must be a bloke thing, I do not think women do skijumping or bobsleigh.

Tarolino sa...

Fantastiska bilder här. Det första fotot vet jag inte var du fått tag på men det är en väldigt fin skildring på en förgången tid. Istrollet sedan. Jag blev helt paff. Ett sådant hade jag också gärna i min grannskap :) Ännu bättre på min egen gård.

Marites sa...

I have always been awed by skijumpers. They sure are quite brave. Looks like the place is going to be more impressive when it's all done.

Mojo sa...

I've always thought those guys were just a little bit nuts. But I imagine it's got to be quite a rush flying without wings like that.

It's the landing part that worries me.