søndag 13. september 2009

Today's Flowers: Porcelain Rose

You can see more beautiful flowers by visiting Today's Flowers


.....on my grandmothers china. It is almost 100 years old.


34 kommentarer:

Tarolino sa...

Gammal dags charm. Fungerar :)

Ebie sa...

I love the presentation of the rose. The shadow behind it is so lovely. Your china is very beautiful too!

Ebie's Flowers.

Anonym sa...

Wonderful rose..lovely pictures!!
Would you please take a look at our TF blog.. the sign in area needs an update.

mimi sa...

you are always creative in presenting your beautiful rose.

Anonym sa...

..and we know where Santilli is...
Perhaps visiting the Kremlin in Russia;-)
- Cheers.

Morten Pedersen sa...

Roser er alltid nydelige og de ble ikke dårligere i dine bilder.

Carletta sa...

Oh so lovely!
The soft focus makes it even more delicate looking.
You are so lucky to have your grandmother's china and it is beautiful!

Carletta’s Captures.

Carver sa...

That's a beautiful rose on beautiful china.

Anne sa...

Feminint et innlegg fra den kanten i dag :-)
Flott rose,å ja, men d må skjenke mer kaffe kjærring!!! koppen er tom jo...

Dagrun sa...

Du store min, det var et gammelt og vakkert servise. Nydelig blomst også.

Petit Eyekiss sa...

Oh,Jag får tårar i ögonen. Så fint att du sparat din "grandmothers" kaffeservis.Jag har sparat min mammas servis, men den är inte mer än ca 50 år.
Så vackert med rosen vid sidan om.

Regina sa...

Have a nice week ahead.

Elin Bredesen Foto sa...

Dette så koselig ut!! Pent :)

Reader Wil sa...

Hi Valkyrien! Du har igen fine blomster! Takk også for besøk og kommentaren på Norsk!!

Flying Solo sa...

So beautiful and romantic composition|

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) sa...

Dette var koselige bilder, roser er pent og det ble ekstra pent som du har gjort det i bilde to her. :)

(Ps: Det kommer opp en boks på bloggen din når man kommer inn her fra Yr.no som ber om brukernavn og passord, bare så du vet det)

Rune Eide sa...

En sjelden kombinasjon - men meget vellykket. Din bestemor ville vært fornøyd!

PS Takk for kommentarene!

Naturegirl sa...

Stunning both the rose and the china!
We are speaking the same language today! LOL :)

Melita sa...

Roses are wonderful and so are your photoes Valkyrien !

This Is My Blog - fishing guy sa...

Val: that is such a wonderful comparison and the floral pattern on the china is wonderful.

Bill S. sa...

Very beautiful rose. I believe is it the universal flower. Thanks.

MedaM sa...

Wow, what a wonderful post! Lovely and romantic details! Just great!

Anonym sa...

Very pretty rose, even lovelier placed in your china wares.

Mirage sa...

Wow, lovely it is! looks so soft with the china too!

Nance sa...

What a beautiful rose and china! I'm sure that must be a treasure specially since it's your grandmother.

TOMO sa...

Very soft color and feel so warm. I love this contexture!

Al sa...

I deleted my post for today's flowers last night because I thought I entered it in the previous post of today's flowers. I apologize, I have it posted again. Thanks.


George sa...

You did a wonderful job of capturing the beauty of that rose.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA sa...

Normally I like to see sharp focus, especially on close ups. But this image is so perfect, so beautiful and evocative.

jabblog sa...

A beautiful rose complementing dainty beautiful china. How lovely to drink tea from such a cup.

EG CameraGirl sa...

Such a pretty rose and I very much like the photo with the tea cup! Nice presentation.

DeniseinVA sa...

Hello My Friend, you have a wonderfully creative way of showing your flowers. These are stunning.

DeniseinVA sa...
Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.
Viola sa...

Flott og dandert! Rett og slett lekkert! :)