torsdag 16. april 2009


One of the days during Easter had some special treats for me. First: This wonderful halo around the sun! It is the second time this year I have been lucky to see this fabulous phenomenon!


And later the same day, a nice sunset took place. The shot is taken from a bridge over the river Glomma. You can see there is still ice on the river.


The day after we had a heavy snowfall! I have been told that a halo around the sun predict bad weather - so I got my confirmation on that one!

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56 kommentarer:

Rune Eide sa...

Det andre bildet ditt der falt jeg helt for. Kan ikke få nok speilrefleksbilder.

Svein sa...

Utrolig halo!

Anne sa...

Helt nydleig, ditt andre bilde gikk rett i hjerte på meg da :-))

Reader Wil sa...

A halo around the sun! I have never seen that! It's a rare phenomenon, isn't it? Your second photo is simply stunning! thank you so much for your very kind words! It's true life became different after my husband died.

Bim sa...

The halo is fantastic!

Tarolino sa...

Den där första bilden är det mest fantastiska jag har sett på länge. helt unikt att den är så klar och så stor. beundransvärt fotografi helt enkelt. Den andra är ju så vacker men jag blev helt begaistrad av den första.

Dewdrop sa...

That is an AWESOME halo capture! How fortunate you are to have such a rare treat twice in one year, and you captured it beautifully!!!!!

The sunset is gorgeous as well, perfectly reflected in still waters.

Suffeli kuvailee sa...


prkl sa...

that halo shot is fantastic! never seen that, in nature nor in photo. thank you so much for sharing it!! happy SWF!

P-TER sa...

Beautiful ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Great pictures!

Photo Cache sa...

Hah! skywatching pays off; you now know that halos bring bad weather. Hoped you had a peaceful Easter Sunday.

Inkivääri sa...

So beautiful pics and interesting haloshot!

Pekka sa...

Perfect Halo. ;-) ;-)

EG CameraGirl sa...

Two WONDERFUL shots. The halo especially is amazing!

Petunia sa...

Veldig flotte bilder, men jeg må medgi at det andre bildet var favoritten:)

Lene sa...

Heeeelt herlig! Og krystllklart vann med nydelige refleksoner! Inmari fint!! Vårsol, og jeg bare fryder meg :)

Håper på knallhelg :) Kos deg masse :)

Jane Hards Photography sa...

I have never seen a halo like this. It is spectacular, as are both shots. Viking skies are the best.

Mary Elizabeth sa...

Mary ElizabethBlog.

Anonym sa...

Great photos I especially like the first one as I have never seen anything like it before

Gill - That British Woman sa...

what lovely photos.....

Gill in Canada

nonizamboni sa...

Gorgeous shots of the placid lake and the amazing sun halo! I appreciate your Child Abuse reminder on your sideboard too.
Thanks for sharing a bit of your world!

Unknown sa...

The first picture is incredible!

Erwin sa...

Superb photos, really great. The firtst is nearly a mistery....


Will sa...

Great photos. That halo is quite superb and the other photo is so colorful.

Hildegarde sa...

The halo is spectacular and predicting as you experienced :-) Still ice and snow, brrr (sound we make for expressing cold, suddenly I don't know if that exists in english too, what is it in your language ?), but beautiful !

Tammie Lee sa...

The halo is amazing with the star too! I have heard that it means rain within 24 hours.

Lovely sunset too.

George Townboy sa...

Wow! Both stunning shots!!

Louise sa...

The halo is fantastic. It is much larger and fuller than what I normally see. And the next one is so bright,and the water so peaceful.

PJ sa...

It looks like winter is coming to an end. Very dramatic for SWF, beautifully done.

Ebie sa...

You are just so amazing, capturing photos at the right time.

Redzlan sa...

The second pic with reflexion is great.
wonderful halo!

Mary Elizabeth sa...

I have never seen an Halo, thanks for sharing this phenomenon.
I love the golden view as well.
Mary Elizabeth

Carver sa...

I love the halo around the sun and the reflection in the other shot is stunning. Beautiful choices.

2sweetnsaxy sa...

There's a name for that halo around the sun but I can't remember what it is. I've never seen that, only in a couple of photos since I started blogging. It's amazing!

Jew Wishes sa...

What stunning and amazing photos. They are beautiful.

I like the reflections in the second one, and the crispness of the scene.

Bryan sa...

Wow, beautiful photos! That last one has such exact reflections.

For 2sweetnsaxy - Red inside and blue outside make this is a 22 degree halo.

Lanny sa...

Very beautiful!

Taiska sa...

Awesome halo! Another photo is very beautiful too.

Regina sa...

Amazing shots. Really good.

RA sa...

Stunning captures! I never have known that halos were a sign of bad weather. Thank you for sharing.

Arija sa...

Both wonderful shots, but the halo around the sun with the sun shining like a star in the middle of the icecrystal clouds is sheer magic.

Mariz sa...

That halo is amazing, you're so blessed to have captured this phenomenon. Loved the sunset photo too. Great shots as always!

Unknown sa...

Meget flotte bilder.
Vi var en tur i Våler i påsken vi også :)

MedaM sa...

Your sky watch photos are just spectacula and the reflection of the sunset in the water is just amazing!

Jan K. alias Afanja sa...

Wow ... that halo is gorgeous. I've never seen such a beautiful round halo.
The phote of the sunset is also beautiful. I love the reflections.

Anne-Berit sa...

Fantastisk fine bilder.Det siste var nydelig med gjenspeilingen av himmelen i vannet.God helg!

Ivar Østtun sa...

Nei pokker også. Nå fikk jeg den derre fæle Halo-sangenmed Beyonce på hjernen.
Ja ja, enda godt at bildet er vakkert, selv om sangen ikke er det :-)

syel sa...

wow! the halo with the bladed sun is really amazing! and i like the reflection of the sunset against the icy river!

MGMG sa...

Wow that halo is awesome!

Viennadaily sa...

Spectacular sun! Amazing halo!

Susan English Mason sa...

The halo is gorgeous and how great for Easter!

Ivon sa...

Great photos. I like the second one and the water with the reflection on the edge of the ice. Thanks for sharing.

Anonym sa...

Oh yes, a halo around the sun is bad magic! Beautiful pictures.

unelmikko,Finland sa...

Upea, erilainen erikoinen, ei löydy sanoja kuvaamaan.

Linda sa...

That's a very striking shot of the halo. I've never seen one so pronounced. And the second photo is so perfectly tranquil.

Vicky sa...

yes, stunning indeed!