torsdag 23. april 2009

SkyWatch: Struggling through the fog in search for blue sky!

If you want to see more of the beautiful sky all over the world - visit SkyWatch , hosted by Skywatch® Team:
Klaus | Sandy | Ivar | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise





48 kommentarer:

Svein sa...

Svært vakre foto!!
Men jeg ville stappet noe i den pipa på bilde 3 som lager all den tåke-røyken på bildet :-)


Svein: Takk! Og: Hehe! Ja, fatter ikke at noen fra SFT ikke kan gjøre noe med det! Får sende bildene dit! :)

Rune Eide sa...

Nydelig fanget lys - det er noe spesielt med tåke. Det gir effekter som man ellers ikke ser.

George sa...

What a beautiful sequence of photos. I'm glad you found the blue sky above all that fog!

Bryan sa...

Wow. Amazing shots. The fog here looks so golden-ly beautiful.

Ivar Østtun sa...

TROLLSK. Skikkelig bra. Utrolig hva tåke kan gjøre med terrenget.

Ha en skodde-fri helg :-)

Rune sa...

Utrolig flotte bilder! Tåke og dis er spennende, og det har du fanget veldig bra. Blir en helt spesiell mystikk over det! Happy SkyWatch :)

Hildegarde sa...

That is ... magical, that's the word. Wow. This makes me happy.

Guy D sa...

Your photography skills never disappoint, these are outstanding.

Have a great weekend.
Regina In Pictures

naturglede/Randi Lind sa...

Åhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, dette var ubeskivelig vakkert:)

Anonym sa...

These shots are! Unbelievably beautiful.

Erin sa...

beautiful series of the third where you see the bell tower in the background...
have a great weekend.

Carver sa...

Beautiful shots. They have a mystical feel to them for me.

Mojo sa...

Spectacular! The first one is almost surreal. But I think my very favorite is the second to last one. Love that cloak of mist and the way that it's lit.

Mary Elizabeth sa...

Spectaculars photos.
Mary Elizabeth @ Now and Then

Anne-Berit sa...

Dette var utrolig vakre bilder.Flott når solstrålene skinner gjennom disen sånn.

Bim sa...

Magic! The header is also stunning.

Shey sa...

Splendid captures! The shafts of light coming through makes the scene magical.



Almost, otherworldly.

Anonym sa...

Beautiful, Stunning, Oooo-aaaah photography.

airplane5312 sa...

Fog can be quite nice to photograph. Looks like you captured it well.

Ebie sa...

Words are not enough to describe these beautiful photos.

Tarolino sa...

Du lyckas då alltid med dessa otroliga fenomenala bilder till SKW. Dessa är enormt atmosfäriska och så vackra. Bild nummer tre tror jag att jag bara gapade av häpnad framför men de är all väldigt fina.

Barbara sa...

These are breath taking capture. Love them.
Smiles B

Arija sa...

Beautiful fog , it does such wonderful things with right. I had fog last week.

Jacqueline Dove sa...

Magical photos. Thanks!!

RA sa...

I have to quote Hildegard on this, these are really magical views. Wow! Have a great day :)

P-TER sa...

The sunbeams like as gold ! ! !
Wonderful pictures!

Ninnu sa...

Really lovely! The fog is really mysterious.

Ninnu sa...

Det var jag :)

Mo sa...

What can I say. These are superb. I feel a story about magic should accompany them

MedaM sa...

Oh, wow! These are for sure spectacular photos. Those wonderful light and fog give the photos some mysterious and magical look! Just fantastic!

EG CameraGirl sa...

I love the colours in these photos. I find them very soothing.

syel sa...

oh my! really really beautiful! love the fog!

Ivon sa...

Awesome series of photos. The blue sky was found in your last picture. Thanks for sharing.

Susan English Mason sa...

Truly beautiful.

Naturegirl sa...

Foggy mornings have a beauty of their own! Have you photo shopped these images?
Nice job!!

Judy sa...

I just have to comment on the new header! I love the way the sun shines through the petals of the flowers, casting shadows in places, and making other petals simply become light!
And the way the light catches the hairs on the stems!!

Danielle sa...

These are incredible! I love the fog coming through the treetops and the long stretch of the shadows. Lovely!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA sa...

These are so wonderful. I love the sepia tones for the mist. And the purple flowers below are just the greatest. You are one talented photographer. And thanks for visiting my Puget Sound Ferry photo. You were the only person besides me who preferred the monochrome one.

Anonym sa...

That is sure one heavy fog and makes for a wonderful skywatch entry. Thanks for the visit while I was away.

Light and Voices sa...

Spectacular! The lighting in this series of photos leave me speechless.

Unknown sa...

Meget flott series med trollske bilder. Ha en fortsatt god helg.

arne sa...

Å, de så flotte, tåkebildene dine!
Får på en måte litt oversikt over verden når jeg ser dem.

Tarolino sa...

Vart har du månntro tagit vägen? Hoppas allt är som det ska vara.

Marie sa...

Fantastisk lys som du har foreviga på ein flott måte :)

2sweetnsaxy sa...

These are fantastic! I really like the shafts of light filter through the fog. Awesome!

FO - 2 sa...

Flott sløret effekt på de to første bildene.
Nr. 3 er akk så VAKKKERT! :)))
Tommelen OPP!
Du er en flink fotograf. :)