torsdag 5. februar 2009


What a beautiful day in an air balloon - floating over Oslo - excellent weatherconditions...

Oh - damned, (pardon my french) that tree shouldn't be there? - what is it doing high above...oh, I'm not high above anything anymore....

:) Made it!

For more skies and clouds and sunsets - visit SkyWatch and have fun!

34 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hahaha - dette var en morsom vri på ukens Sky Watch:) Hadde nok en morsom stund du, mens du knipset?! Happy SWF!

Berit T sa...

Stilig dette, og få følge denne å se hvor det ender. Må være en spesiell opplevelse å være oppi en slik.

Anonym sa...

Det var nesten ja :) Ikke hverdagskost det der. Sikkert en flott opplevelse å fly på denne måten.

Tarolino sa...

En skojig liten historia. Bra att de klarade av trädhindret utan att falla ur. Fint uppfångad bildserie.

Carletta sa...

Oh to be in the balloon in the first shot and enjoying that view!
Great shots.

GAWO sa...

Endelig en morsom og kul vri på SWF. ( litt lei av solnednagner, men ikke si det til noen) Håper inderlig du stiller med noe sånt neste fredag også. Happy SWF

Unknown sa...

Meget flott innslag for sky watch!

Jane Hards Photography sa...

I would love to try this, especially over such clear skies.

EG CameraGirl sa...

Very cute! I LOVE your imagination. ;-)

Petunia sa...

Aldri i livet om jeg hadde gått opp i en slik ting. Men å stå trygt nede og ta bilder av den - ja!!
Morsom serie!!

George sa...

Thanks for taking us on the balloon ride. Very interesting pictures.

Dewdrop sa...

What a wonderful series! I love hot air balloons... just researched some information about upcoming festivals nearby that I would like to attend. Great for pics!

Reader Wil sa...

You must have been pretty high in the sky yourself! That was a very exciting moment! Thanks for your story!

Maria sa...

Your pictures are "a dream" - simply wonderful! I LOVE them!
It was not easy to catch the swans in the darkness :))))

Mojo sa...

That was just a touch too close. Bet that caused more than a few anxious moments -- in the air and on the ground!

Anne-Berit sa...

Så stilig dette var,gøy med noe litt anderledes.Virkelig bra.

Kim sa...

Great sky pictures with the colorful balloon

Carolyn sa...

Great shots! I also love your header photo. Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by. Smiles

Barbara sa...

Great photos, its always fun to watch where hot air balloons land.

Nancy sa...

Wish I was on one of those floating over your beautiful city!

Anonym sa...

Phew! It must have been fun trying to catch a good shot of it or trying to catch the balloon? :) Happy Sky-Catching!


Anonym sa...

Ok, how about another lift off! That was fun!

Happy Sky Watching!

Linnea sa...

What an usual sight to capture. That balloon really pops out. Your city is so scenic. Hi from California.

Guy D sa...

Great skywatch shots, I espcially like the last one.

Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures

Niina sa...

Hehe! Det var roligt! Härliga foton!

Anne sa...

Jøss så stilig!!!..., men jeg hadde aldri tort oppi der nei :-)

Ha en toppers helg.

Anonym sa...

A close encounter of the 4th kind.
:-) That must have been fun to watch. Great shots. :-)

Tink *~*~* sa...

Such a bright spot of color floating amongst the trees. It would be hard to miss such an object.

Tink *~*~*
Six Mile Cypress Sky at My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Bergson sa...

it's my dream

Powell River Books sa...

A great way to get a citywide view. I invite you to come see my foggy contribution. - Margy

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens sa...

That's a great birds eye view.

Linda sa...

Takes a bit of nerve to go ballooning above a large city! Great suspense in your photo where the balloon dips.

Mariz sa...

That must have been an exciting balloon ride. Great capture =)

FO - 2 sa...

Jeg er sen med å kommentere hos deg denne gangen, men bedre sent enn aldri, heter det vel. ;)
Siden får jeg med meg mange andre fine poster her også nå da.

Artig vri.
Morsom serie.
Veldig bra! :)