My entry this week is a phenomenon called Noctilucent Clouds. I took the photos last year in july, from midnight to 2.oo a.m. I just couldn't go to bed! It was so beautiful to watch these bright clouds over Oslo, continual changing in shapes and colour!
You can read more about the clouds here: Astronomy Picture of the Day
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37 kommentarer:
Utrolig flotte bilder, ikke rart du ikke kunne legge deg med slike fenomener på utsiden :o) Vakkert! Happy SkyWatch!
Very lovely. I've seen them but they are rare here. It's amazing to watch the sky appear to pulsate. Nice photos!
I love them !
lovely shots
My SWF entry this week : in HERE. I hope you have time to visit. Thanks
Noen ganger sukker man tungt å føler seg så amatørmessig oppi trøndelagen her..., og den følelsen har jeg nå... MEN så tenker men, en plass må man jo begynne og en lærer jo som kjent etterhvert. DESSUTEN kan jeg nyte dine vakre bilder, og tenke; jeg lever, dette kan jeg se, og du så heldige vi er som kan oppleve en himmel som er så vakker og stadig i forandring. Deilig.
Ha en fin fin kveld.
WOW!! For noen farger, fantastisk rett og slett!!!
Dessa bilder är fenomenala. Jag tror att jag aldrig sett något lika vackert och storslaget. Stum av häpnad och beundran.
Du tar hem alla tiders pris för bästa himmel bilder.
Fantastiske formasjoner!
fine bilder ha en fin swf kveld
Jeg trodde et øyeblikk du hadde fanget nordlyset - vakkert!
Da lærte jeg noe nytt id ag - takk for lærdommen og takk for flotte bilder. Happy SWF!
Incredible photos to say the least, Wow!
Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures
I don't suppose you remember the exposure and ISO you used for those shots of the city with the clouds overhead. Those are magnificent! (And tricky!)
Are these similar to the auroras? Ionization of the atmosphere?
Storslagne bilder, Valkyrien!
This are amazing with this clouds.
Graet pictures ! ! !
I like your blog too.
Beautiful photos, I am glad you stayed up to capture them.
Who would have wanted to go to bed!
They are exceptional. I just LOVE the first one. Looks like a big dark curtain coming to fold over the clouds.
My post is at Carletta’s Captures.
I learn something new each skywatch week. These really are incredible.
Wow, this is realy beautiful.
These are all beautiful! If you turned your first photo upside down, it would look a little like the ocean and sandy beach with a starry sky above :o)
earthtoholly; You gave me quite a laugh! I did what you said (I just had to ) - and you are correct! Next wednesday I will post it upside down on "Watery Wednesday"! LOL!
Gorgeous shots!! Thanks for posting them.
Hmmm...who would've wanted to go to bed with skies like these? They are soooo......glorious! Thanks for the info.
Gorgeous shots. Looking forward for new photos:)
Fabulous shots and a very interesting post. Such beauty in the sky.
Fabelaktig vakre bilder!
I knew I was going to like this before I could even see the full picture. Wow!!! I can see why you would rather watch this than go to bed. It's scary looking, fascinating and breathtaking all at the same time. Wonderful shots!
Stunning shots! happy swf. :)
A wonderful phenomenon to captur. Amazing how theu light up the landscape. The last one is like an illustration of wraiths in a fairy tale.
I all verden så tøft dette var!! Vet søren ikke om jeg har sett maken, og jeg går ganske mye med nesa i sky ;)
Herlige vårtegn, tross alt, nedenunder her. Nåååå lengter vi ekstra her, ja! Men om ikke så altfor lenge....... Og det er godt å tenke på :)
Ha en alle tiders helg :)
Really Cool! We never get atmospheric shows like that here in Calif. :-(
Thanks for sharing!
How stunning. No wonder you couldn't go to bed.
Dette var meget flott. Tror ikke jeg har opplevd dette før.
These clouds are absolutely beautiful, as are the pictures. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Amazing. It's as if the sky is putting on a performance for all of the Skywatch fans. Thanks!
Sometimes I'm a little late with my comments. Today is such a day, beacause I just discoverd your amazing NLC's.
I've seen them last year on july 14:
NLC's always remind me of fairytales ... :-)
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